Pain au Levain, a Simple Sourdough Bread That Works

Pain au Levain, a Simple Sourdough Bread That Works

Pain au levain simply means ‘bread made with levain’ in French. So, it is the simple, yet complex bread recipe that should be in anyone’s book. This is my go-to when I do not know what to bake. Or when I do not want to experiment. It just works. Always remember that...
How to Keep a Sourdough Starter Active and Build a Levain

How to Keep a Sourdough Starter Active and Build a Levain

Keeping your starter active and happy is important if you want to get good results when making your sourdough bread. Ideally you must feed it every day. Even better if you do it twice a day.  I have been very lazy and keeping my starter in my fridge for ages and...